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Strength & Conditioning - Warrior Activities

The Strength and Conditioning program is the hub for all Waukee High School (WHS) athletics. At the WHS Fitness Center, students and athletes come to use the equipment to stay active and reach their fitness goals. The Strength and Conditioning program seeks to reduce injury, enhance performance, improve team atmosphere and increase individual confidence. Our fitness philosophy is to:

  • Motivate athletes to exceed expectations
  • Train athletes with up-to-date techniques and practices
  • Educate coaches, athletes, and parents on all things strength training
  • Care for and meet the needs of our athletes year-round
  • Create winners in and out of season

Measuring at 5,065 square feet, the WHS Fitness Center is the home of the Strength and Conditioning program. WHS purchased the facility from the old Waukee YMCA when the organization decided to relocate. Now, after renovations, the facility is constantly busy serving students and the athletic population. The facility opens at 5:45 a.m. and closes at the end of the school day. However, sometimes the center does not close until the last athletic team wraps up their training at 6:30 p.m. Our students and community say we have the best athletic facilities around, but we are continually looking at ways to improve the Fitness Center for our students and athletes.