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Logos - Warrior Activities

WHS Logo Warrior W Shield 2607 116 KOur students are warriors excelling in the comprehensive programming we are able to offer all students in the areas of academics activities, arts, and athletics. The Waukee “W” represents tradition and “The Waukee Way” which includes quality, caring teachers, dedicated staff and supportive families. The spirit of a Waukee Warrior can be defined by the drive and will it takes to succeed in life. The mascot represents the intensity, pride, and passion of a Waukee Warrior.

Brand Standards

So that Waukee Community School District can maintain the brand integrity of its identity, it is mandatory that all logos be applied as indicated in the style guide without modification. All artwork should be approved by the Communications Department before printing. If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or would like to request artwork, additional information or licensing options please contact Nicole Lawrence, Communications Coordinator, Waukee Community School District.

Waukee High School Activity Style Guide