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Concert Choirs - Warrior Activities

The Waukee Vocal Music Department strives to provide a comprehensive musical education for all students. Students are provided a plethora of annual experiences including all-state performing opportunities, solo/ensemble contests, workshops with nationally renowned clinicians, top-performing show choirs and jazz choirs, musical theatre performances, and masterwork performances. The Waukee Vocal Music Department places a high-quality concert choir program at its core. Providing a strong foundation for a variety of performance styles, this nationally recognized program allows students to experience an array of musical styles and traditions, each rooted in excellence!

Students enrolled in choir at the 8th and 9th grade level are placed in grade-specific choirs that rehearse throughout the school day. Students in 8th grade choir give two concerts during the school year. 9th grade adds several more performance opportunities.

The high school program, serving students in grades 10-12, consists of three mixed concert ensembles—Sophomore Chorale, Concert Choir, and A Cappella. The program also offers two bass and treble ensembles—one for upperclassmen and one for sophomores.

A Cappella is Waukee High School’s top auditioned ensemble—is open to students enrolled in grades 10-12 who have successfully participated, for at least, one year in the choral program and complete a rigorous audition process. This ensemble provides an intensive and highly rewarding musical experience. In-depth study of music from each time period of musical history is explored, including multi-cultural selections from around the world. Vocal production, independence, and musical precision are explored in detail with a deliberate emphasis on unaccompanied singing.

A Cappella has earned a reputation for excellence. They frequently perform at various festivals and events and have worked with such notable performers as the King Singers, international Opera star, Simon Estes, composers Ericks Esenvalds, Eric Barnum, Elaine Hagenberg, director and many other outstanding choirs, composers, and directors.  The group has earned division I ratings at the Iowa High School Music Association Large Group Choral Festival for over 25 years. They also perform at the annual Festival of Peace, frequently make recordings and tour two out of every three years.  A Cappella has repeatedly been selected to perform for the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA), including performances at the 2005 National Convention in Los Angeles, at the 2006 North Central Division Convention in Omaha, at the 2010 North Central Division Convention in Minneapolis, at the 2015 National Convention in Salt Lake City, and, most recently, the 2022 Midwest Division Convention in Chicago.  A Cappella was selected as the 4A representative of the Iowa Choral Showcase in 2020 and again in 2022.  A Cappella has also shared performances as a featured choir with the Luther College Nordic Choir, the Wartburg Choir, the Morningside Choir, and the Iowa State Singers, and they frequently collaborate with area high school ensembles.  Their performance standards, awards, and level of excellence have placed A Cappella as one of the top high school ensembles in the United States.

Concert Choir is an auditioned 11-12 ensemble that is open to students who elicit a mature vocal sound and strong reading skills.  Students in this choir participate in 5 performances each year including Festival of Peace, the Masterworks Concert, and Large Group Contest.  They receive lessons twice per term as a part of the curriculum.

Bass Clef is open to any 11th or 12th-grade bass or tenor voice participating in the Vocal Music Program during first block not enrolled in 11/12 band or publications.

Cantate is open to any 11th or 12th-grade treble voice participating in the Vocal Music Program during first block not enrolled in 11/12 band or publications.  They consistently produce high quality programs and were selected as a clinic choir for the Iowa Choral Showcase in 2022.  Cantate also collaborates with area high schools and collegiate ensembles.

Warrior Chor is open to any 10th-grade bass or tenor voice participating in the Vocal Music Program.  Warrior Chor meets during the second block for the first two terms of the school year.  Students in this choir participate in 5 performances each year including Festival of Peace, the Masterworks Concert, and Large Group Contest.  They receive lessons twice per term as a part of the curriculum.

Bella Voce is open to any 10th-grade treble voice participating in the Vocal Music Program.  Bella Voce meets during the second block for the first two terms of the school year.  Students in this choir participate in 5 performances each year including Festival of Peace, the Masterworks Concert, and Large Group Contest.  They receive lessons twice per term as a part of the curriculum.

Sophomore Chorale meets during the second block for the second two terms of the school year.  Warrior Chor and Bella Voce combine during their rehearsals to create this ensemble.  Students in this choir participate in 5 performances each year including Festival of Peace, the Masterworks Concert, and Large Group Contest.  They receive lessons twice per term as a part of the curriculum.