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Speech - Warrior Activities

The Iowa High School Speech Association serves 487 member schools and 40,000 students! The Iowa Interscholastic Speech Association was organized in November of 1943 due to a desire in many people to enlarge and expand the outstanding work in the Iowa High School Declamatory Association. As time goes on, this organization is able to add other types of speech activities that have an increasing need to be recognized. Visible work of the Association can be seen through their series of contests, but its fundamental philosophy is built on the belief that no form of activity holds more importance than that of learning to speak effectively.

Contest Speech is a very popular club here at the high school. Any student in grades 9-12 at Waukee is welcome to join the speech team. There are two seasons: Large Group and Individual Events. The large group rehearses from November to February and Individual Events rehearses from February through March. Students are not required to participate in both Large Group and Individual Events. There is a place for everybody thanks to such a wide variety of categories for both seasons.

  • Jan 19 – WHS parent meeting and showcase
  • Jan 23 – District Large Group Contest
  • Feb 6 – State Large Group Contest
  • Feb 19 All State Large Group Speech Festival
  • Feb 26 District Individual Events Speech Contest
  • March 12 State Individual Events Speech Contest
  • March 28 All State Individual Events Festival

Jacki Pleggenkuhle – WHS Large Group & Individual Events
515.987.5163 ext. 2308

Kelly Thompson – Waukee 9 – Individual Events (Prairieview)
515.987.2770 ext. 2545

Molly Thorsen – Waukee 9 – Large Group (Timberline)
